Supporting School and Teacher Leaders to Rebuild Community Through Harmony


  • Ms. Larryelle Phillips, Harmony SEL Strategic Accounts Advisor
  • Mr. Josh Pauly, Harmony SEL Ambassador

Much uncertainty still exists as students, educators, and families transition into the 2021-2022 school year. Research shows that strong relationships within the school community can help mitigate the effects of this uncertainty. Join us for this one-hour, no-cost webinar where esteemed author Dr. Doug Fisher will share recommended strategies that educators can use to support rebuilding school communities with students, families, and colleagues. Harmony SEL Ambassador Mr. Josh Pauly and Harmony SEL Strategic Accounts Advisor Ms. Larryelle Phillips will highlight approaches that partner districts are taking to rebuild communities and share resources aligned with this research in our newly released Back-to-School Resource Toolkits. Our ambassadors will also share a sneak peek of Harmony SEL Third Edition.


  • Identify research-based strategies to rebuild your school community impacted by school disruptions, COVID-19, and social unrest over the past year.
  • Understand how district partners leverage the power of Harmony and SEL to rebuild communities.
  • Review Harmony SEL and Inspire Teaching & Learning resources that are highlighted in our Back-to-School Resource Toolkits, aligning with the research-based practices.
  • Get a sneak peek of Harmony SEL Third Edition, highlighting our new features rolling out this school year to continue to support community, equity, and inclusion in our communities.