Read the Latest Research on Supporting SEL Educators through Blended Learning

Engage educators in effective professional learning with insights from Johns Hopkins University and Inspire.

The research is in, and we’re excited to share the latest insights on social and emotional learning (SEL) in professional learning for educators and out-of-of-school providers.

When educators engage in professional learning that builds their SEL instruction and academic integration skills, they can create environments for and with students where students flourish and thrive. But how can education leaders equip in-service and pre-service educators and out-of-school time staff with the tools they need to support social and emotional growth?

We have partnered with Johns Hopkins University to develop insights and recommendations in a new research-to-practice brief developed particularly for district leaders, principals, instructional coaches, and professional-learning facilitators. Read the full brief to explore research support and practical recommendations for engaging educators in blended professional learning (PL) focused on SEL and inspirational teaching practices. You’ll also learn about effective approaches that education leaders are using across the country, including strategies and research support from Inspire: Leading In Learning.