Inspire: Leading In Learning has expanded its professional development resources to support your needs. In addition to more than 70 original research-driven modules, we have launched two new units in Educator SEL and academic integration for SEL-informed instruction.
What is Educator SEL?
The new resources in Educator SEL will complement the current content and help you build strong relationships, manage your emotions, practice self-care, foster equity and inclusion in your learning community, and more. According to Richie Ressel, Sr. Director of the Office of Operations & Innovation, “By creating a work environment that focuses on adult SEL, educators will learn how to identify stress symptoms they are experiencing and possible causes of that stress. It will also help leaders as they foster a supportive emotional environment in school for adults and students.”
Why SEL Integration?
Research has shown that having well developed social and emotional competencies helps students succeed academically, personally, and professionally well into adulthood. Dr. Frances Gipson suggests, “SEL is no longer a nice to have, it is a must have. Now academically integrated, with an even stronger understanding of a JEDI mindset (justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion), we are seeing the SEL practices that are needed to match who we need to be for our learners.”
Our new modules will help you integrate SEL into your teaching with an initial focus on 10 teaching practices that promote SEL developed by our Director of Strategic Initiatives Dr. Nick Yoder, and one focusing on the three components recommended by the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) using interactive instructional practices and structures.
We look forward to supporting you in new ways and we are excited to offer this growing resource for professional development and social and emotional well-being to educators at no cost. Thank you for being an inspirational teacher!
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