April 2022
Understanding the Research and Teacher Experience Behind the Refresh of Harmony Third Edition
by Nick Yoder, PhD, Senior Director of Research and Professional Learning
Harmony SEL, an evidence-based, CASEL SELect, social and emotional learning (SEL) program is refreshing the look, feel, and content of the SEL program that educators know and trust. To meet the current demands of teachers, counselors, out-of-school time providers, and other educational professionals to nurture student SEL, Harmony is engaged in a rigorous refresh process, including discovery, development, and quality review phases. In the current white paper executive summary, find out — at a glance — what was originally included in the program, what remained the same (with a refresh), and what program features we expanded.Click here to download the full white paper report.
Click here to download the executive summary and full chart.

Learn more at harmonysel.org and start implementing SEL with the Harmony Online Learning Portal.