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The True Value of Learning From Others: Prepare to Celebrate #SEL Day!

Dr. Jacqueline Sanderlin & Kim Mitchell

Join us for this one-hour webinar as we explore the true power of learning from others and celebrate what we each contribute to our communities. As we prepare to celebrate International SEL Day on March 11, we’ll reflect on the SEL Day theme of Finding Common Ground, Pursuing Common Good. Presenters will discuss the importance of telling your own powerful stories and listening to other powerful stories in order to find common ground. You will learn strategies that allow others to feel empowered to elevate their voices within communities.

Viewers will:

Speaker Bios:
Kimberly Mitchell leads the innovative efforts within the National University System for military, veteran, and military family educational degree and outreach programs. A 17-year Navy veteran, Ms. Mitchell has worked in the nonprofit veterans space assisting organizations focusing on veteran reintegration into the community after military service. Ms. Mitchell is a nationally recognized leading vocal advocate for our service members, veterans, military families, and Gold Star Families

Accomplished educator, leadership guru, and author Dr. Jacqueline Sanderlin (Dr. Jackie) is an expert in developing meaningful community partnerships and is the Founder and CEO of the Why Not? Incubator. Her book The Why Not Challenge: Say Yes to Success with School-Community Partnerships shares her passion and practical takeaways for forming lasting community relationships between schools, organizations, and companies. Dr. Jackie proudly serves as a Steering Committee member for SEL4CA (Social Emotional Learning Alliance for California).

Join the live webinar for a chance to win one of Dr. Sanderline’s new book!

Harmony Third Edition Connection: Learning from Others
In Unit 4, students will learn about different approaches to resolving interpersonal conflict and a step-by-step problem-solving approach. They discover that they can learn from each other by considering alternate perspectives and empathizing with others and that making amends for mistakes contributes to healthier relationships.

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